
The practice of acupuncture can be dated back to Stone Age in China. However,
it was sometime around 2nd century B.C. that acupuncture was documented in the Bible of traditional
Chinese medicine "Huang Di Nei Jing". Since then, acupuncture theories have been
evolved and updated over the past 2000 years. Both acupuncture and Chinese herbal
medicine had played major role in ancient Chinese healthcare system before
Western medicine was adopted as mainstream medicine at the beginning of the 20th century.
Acupuncture has recently grown in popularity in North America since 1971,
when New York Times reporter James Reston wrote about his experience of acupuncture treatment in China.
Recent "natural therapy movement" has made acupuncture a rising star in healthcare system,
and conventional medical doctors start to prescribe acupuncture as complementary therapy to their conventional treatments.
According to a 2002 National Health Interview Survey, the largest and most comprehensive survey of alternative medicine use in
the states, an estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults had ever used acupuncture, and about 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture in the previous year. These numbers are increasing greatly after 2002.
Eastern perspective
Acupuncture is practiced on the basis of harmony of Yin and Yang (two opposing forces in the universe) within TCM system. According to acupuncture medical theory, the major pathological change in your body is abnormal state of Qi (Energy) and Blood, which is resulted from infections, injuries, negative emotions, poor lifestyle, genetic factors. etc. Acupuncture medicine is to correct the abnormal state through the stimulation of a distinct system called Meridians. These meridians function as pathways distributing Energy, Blood and other essential element to the whole body as well as routes of acupuncture stimuli transmission and pathogens invading the body. As dynamic homeostasis of a meridian is altered, some clinical signs will emerge. About 670 acupuncture points on these meridians are gates of positive and negative energy exchange as well as treatment places. By activating these points, an acupuncturist is able to regulate Qi flow in order to correct disharmony of Yin and Yang, thus to reach optimal health state.
The benefits of acupuncture
Many scientific studies have been done over past 4 decades in the world. The research results demonstrated that acupuncture may work through following mechanisms:
- Stimulate the release of endorphins from neurons. This can partially explain why acupuncture can reduce or stop pains and aches.
- Activate autonomic sympathetic nerve system
- Enhance circulation and reduce inflammation
- Promote self defense-like immunological reaction
- Improve organ functions
- Regulate internal homeostasis
What does acupuncture treat?
Although the mechanisms of action by acupuncture are not completely understood, promising clinical benefits are best proofs that acupuncture works. The following is a list of health conditions tabled by World Health Organization (WHO), but not an exclusive one. Fibromyalgia, Infertility, Obesity, Sport injuries and Cancer are frequently treated in our clinic.
- Respiratory system: Asthma, Bronchitis, Common Cold, Sinusitis, Tonsilliti, Smoking, etc.
- Digestive system: Abdominal pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Hyperacidity, Indigestion, etc.
- Gynecology: Infertility, Menopause, Premenstrual syndrome, etc.
- Neurology: Stroke, M.S., Headaches, Migraines, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Parkinson's disease, Postoperative pain, etc.
- Musculoskeletal system: Sciatica, Arthritis, Back pain, Muscular cramping, Neck pain, Pain/Weakness, etc.
- Emotional disorder: Anxiety/Depression, Insomnia, Neurosis, Nervousness
- Eye-Nose-Throat: Cataracts, Poor vision, Tinnitus, Toothache
- Miscellaneous: Addiction control, Athletic performance, Regulation of blood pressure, Chronic fatigue, Stress reduction
FAQs on acupuncture
- Is acupuncture painful?
- Is acupuncture safe?
- Is acupuncture just good for pain?
- How does acupuncture differ from painkillers?
- What do I expect during an acupuncture treatment?
- Will acupuncture be covered by insurance?
- How does acupuncture work?