Men's health

Although most of medical conditions are treated with no
consideration of gender preference, two issues presented here are
men-specific: Erectile dysfunction and Prostate health issues.
Erectile dysfunction is serious issue which affects
relationship and causes issues with self-esteem. While 25 % of men under 40
have erectile dysfunction, older age may increase the chance of getting
impotency. The medical reasons include some disease such as high blood
pressure and prostate cancer, injury to penis and prostate, medications
taken and sometimes psychological factors such as nervousness and
performance anxiety. The treatments are limited to a few well-known
medications such as Viagra, Cialis, etc., testosterone replacement and other
medical procedures. In fact, many people are afraid of seeking medical help and choose to live with it.
Prostate health is another men-specific issue ranging
from prostatitis, enlarged prostate to prostate cancer. While prostatitis is
the most common urological problem in men under 50, benign prostate
enlargement or prostate cancer is formed mostly in men above 50. Prostatitis
can be bacterial or non-bacterial and its symptoms include difficult or
frequent urination, painful urination and ejaculation, pain in pelvic
region, groin, bladder or tip of penis, impotency, etc. It really affects
men's quality of life. The conventional medical treatments for non-bacterial
prostatitis or enlarge prostate are very limited and can have many side
Traditional Chinese medicine and prostate health
While immediate medical attention is needed for prostate cancer, traditional Chinese medicine is very effective treatment for Impotency and the management of chronic prostatitis and enlarged prostate. From TCM perspective, Kidney Deficiency, Damp Heat and Liver Qi stagnation are three major pathological patterns for Impotency, and Kidney Deficiency, Damp Heat and Blood Stasis for chronic prostatitis. A patient can have single or combination of pathological patterns, and can be successfully improved by Chinese herbs and acupuncture. According to TCM, Kidney Deficiency is the root of the problem, so any factors weakening Kidney may affect male reproductive health. These factors include age, diseases, infections, trauma, overactive or underactive sexual activities, etc.
How we successfully improve men's health
Men with impotency or prostate issues need help. Is quality of sex supposed to decrease with age? Not necessarily! If you have issue with erection or prostate, you should get help! At A1 Clinique Chinoise, Yi Ding Yuan, a 30 years of career acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese herbal medicine, will help you regain confidence and improve your prostate health. A complete consultation will be conducted during first meeting, and a customized treatment plan will be prescribed based on your clinical symptoms, medical history and unique lifestyle. Single or multiple treatment modalities such as acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs will be used. Both lifestyle and nutritional guidance will be integrated into TCM treatment program in order to restore your reproductive health and well-being to optimal level quickly and effectively.