Cancer management

Cancer is newly diagnosed every 75 seconds, and kills one person every minute in the U.S. The news of having cancer is both frightening and shocking to an individual and his or her family, since most of cancers are life-threatening and not curable. Cancer is so widespread that everyone knows a family member or a friend who has or had cancer. The possible contributing factors are environmental chemical toxins, radiation exposure, certain genetic modified foods, genetic factors and unknown factors, etc. According to World Health Organization, five major risk factors are Tabaco use, excessive alcohol intake, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and chronic infections. However, it is not fully understood how these contributing and risk factors cause or trigger proliferation of cancerous cells. The most common sites of cancer causing death are lung, liver, colorectal, stomach and breast. The 5-year cancer survival rate is 67%.
Current Cancer management
Current management strategies of patients with cancer are two folds: first, to cure the disease and prolong the life; second, to improve the patient's quality of life. The goals are achieved by medical treatments including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and preventive strategies including early detection and screen tests, management of risk factors and improvement of lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, emotional well-being, etc). A cancer patient is going through huge distress after diagnosis of cancer, and needs medical, alternative medical, psychological and palliative supports. This is why integrative oncology is gaining population in the U.S.
How we can successfully help you
Since the causes of cancer are so complex, conventional medicine is inadequate and incomplete. Integrative medicine, which integrates mainstream medicine and althernative therapies, has drawn a lot of public attention in developed countries over the past 20 years. At A1 Clinique Chinoise, we work closely with your medical team to help you win the war against cancer. You should schedule an appointment with us as soon as you get diagnosis from your oncologist. We will discuss your Chinese medicine treatment plan based on your health state and medical treatment schedule. Your oncologist may choose to start chemotherpay and/or radiation therapy first followed by surgery; some doctors may start surgery first followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Regardless the treatment protocol, a patient should start acupuncture and Chinese medicine right away. Our treatments aim to:
- Improve the outcome of mainstream medical treatments if TCM is added to treatment plan
- Prepare patient for successful surgery
- Help manage post-surgery complications
- Help a patient complete the treatment course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy by improving a patient's overall constitution, and reducing side effects from chemotherapy and radiation therapy such as low white cell counts, pain, nausea, dry mouth, skin issues, etc.
- Improve patient survival rate and prevent cancer from recurrence
- Improve the patient's quality of life