Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a whole-body disease that is characterized by at least 2 weeks of persistent low mood. It exhibits
emotional, physical and behavioral symptoms which include daily sadness and down mood, lack of motivation or loss of interest in activities
that you used to enjoy, chronic fatigue, pain and ache, insomnia or sleeping too much, headache, digestive disorders, anxiety, social phobia, suicidal
thought, poor concentration and memory, restless and nervousness, etc. The symptoms vary in different situation. While people with mild depression are
functional, those suffering from severe depression have to take sick leave from work or school. Depression is the leading cause of disability
worldwide, according to World Health Organization.
The causes of depressive disorders include family heredity, biological differences, brain chemistry and hormonal change. While
these basic factors provide an individual with physical tendency to be depressive, following risk factors trigger the onset of clinical depressive
disorder. The risk factors may be personality, burnout/overwork, stressful events, childhood trauma, other illness, certain medication, climate change,
abuse of drug and alcohol, etc.
The treatments of clinical depression include antidepressants, counseling, and electroconvulsive therapy. However, these treatments are always working.
Why people get depressive disorders
As 3.6 % of global population is suffering from Depressive disorders, there are reasons for it. First, medical science does not fully understand causes of Depression. There are currently 2 models proposed for possible causes of Depressive disorders. Biopsychosocial model proposes that biological, psychological and social factors play roles in becoming depressive disorder, while diathesis-stress model proposes that depression diathesis is activated by stressful events. Second, medical science doesn’t fully understand pathology of Depression. The popular hypothesis is monoamine system dysfunction. Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Dopamine are believed to be responsible for Depression. Most of antidepressants are designed to improve levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain, but not all the patients are getting therapeutic results, even though these medications are scientifically proved to increase these neurotransmitters in brain.
Some studies showed that the depletion of serotonin with pharmacological agents does not cause depression in healthy people. So serotonin is not sole reason why people get depression, and there are other factors contributing to Depression such as endocrinological changes, HPA axis abnormality, immune system abnormality, etc. Depression diathesis is possibly triggered by following risk factors: depressive personality traits, burnout/overwork, stressful events, childhood trauma, other chronic illness, certain medications, climate change, abuse of drug and alcohol, etc.
How we successfully treat depression and anxiety with acupuncture and Chinese medicine
At A1 Clinique Chinoise, our experienced practitioner helps you get out of depression and anxiety at any stage of the illness.
- Mild stage: you have some mild symptoms related to Depression/anxiety. If you decide to copy with the issue naturally, we are here to help you regain your confidence in life and bring happiness back to you.
- Moderate stage: you feel a few symptoms every day and are start to lose your interest in normal activities you have usually enjoyed. We are here to help you get out of black hole quickly and effectively.
- Severe stage: you are experiencing so many terrible symptoms that you cannot function at your work, school and normal life. At this stage, the situation is out of your control, and antidepressants may be unavoidable or not working. We are here to help you understand possible risk factors and have underlying causes addressed.
- Recovery stage: you are in remission of Depression/Anxiety and start to tap off your medications. After months or years of antidepressant or anti-anxiety pills, your body is used to the chemicals you take every day and is producing many horrible withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are so awful that they are sometimes worse than those you got treated for. No problem, we can help you get ride of addiction easily, effectively and smoothly.
Based on your situation, we will have a complete analysis of contributing factors and related clinical symptoms, and will present you a customized treatment plan with regard to Depression and /or Anxiety. A number of studies have demonstrated that acupuncture, Chinese herbs and/or Chinese bodywork is effective to correct depressive disorders and associated conditions such as anxiety. Nutritional supplements and exercise are frequently included in the treatment plan as well.